April & May 2014 - Aisling Keep Edible Forest Garden Permaculture Workbee

A workbee is an event where participants attend at no cost but are expected to assist with labour in exchange for both theoretical education and hands-on experience, as well as food and accommodations for the weekend.


Aisling Keep Farm in Chatsworth Ontario, is getting ready for spring 2014 planting and mulching, and is looking for help in exchange for permaculture education and experience with Edible Forest Garden maintenance and management.


Specific weekends will be selected based on participant availability and demand. The following proposed weekends are available, please contact us at info@oikos-network.com and let us know if you are interested in attending, and what days/weekends work best for you. 5 spots are available for each of the following weekends.


May 16th, 17th, 18th

May 23rd, 24th, 25th